Why this blog

It's been some time that I wanted my own blog. But I didn't want to bother people with my life, I needed to have something to say and to share. Now the purpose is clear: I want you to discover the beauty of bird watching together with me. Hopefully I will be able to make you just a bit curios so to add bird watching on your to do list of your next trip!

Let's make things clear: I am an amateur birdwatcher and this will only be the second time I will be doing bird watching so if any of you have some useful tips please let me know. And if you are just curious about this mission of mine to see the kiwi bird, stick to this blog! I hope I will be able to transmit you a little bit of my passion!

One last thing: every time I talk about birdwatching with my friends, they always make fun of me, so I want to say to all the people out there who think birdwatching is lame, I suggest to read this article by Adam Walleyn, "Why birding is cooler than you think". Only after having read this, you can write me an email or leave your comment below. I will be happy to receive your messages.

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